Feast of St. Nicholas • Mechanicsburg

Holy Apostles Celebrates Feast of St. Nicholas - 12/06/2021

On this joyful Feast day of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, our Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris celebrated Divine Liturgy, with Fr. Timothy Hojnicki co-celebrating at Holy Apostles (Mechanicsburg) Happy Name Day to all Nicholas's, Nicos, Nicoles, and Nikes! Joyous Feast!
S'praznikom! С ПРАЗДНИКОМ! Χρονια Πολλα!
O who loves Nicholas the saintly,
O who serves Nicholas the saintly,
Him will Nicholas receive,
And give help in time of need:
Holy Father Nicholas!

(17 images)

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