/ Resources / Liturgical Resources
Liturgical Resources

Feast Days

Nativity of the Theotokos


Printable booklet of Vespers service for the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos

Elevation of the Cross


Printable booklet of Vespers service for the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross

Entrance of the Theotokos

Vespers and Litya

Printable booklet of Vespers and Litya service for the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos

St. Hilarion of Vereya

Vespers and Divine Liturgy

Printable Music for the commemoration of St. Hilarion of Vereya

Great Lent

MONDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew


MONDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew

PAGE Format

TUESDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew


TUESDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew

PAGE Format

WEDNESDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew


WEDNESDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew

PAGE Format

THURSDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew


THURSDAY Of First Week of Lent

Canon of Saint Andrew

PAGE Format

Akathist of First Four Fridays

Akathistos Fifth Week

Canon to the Theotokos

Other Services

Pro-Liturgy / Obednitsa

When a Deacon Serves Alone

Pro-Liturgy / Obednitsa When a Deacon Serves Alone

Sunday Typika in the Absence of a Priest

Sunday Typika in the Absence of a Priest - for reader and choir

Small Compline with Akathist and Canon to Theotokos

5th Week of Lent

Printable booklet of Compline and Akathist service for the Canon to the Theotokos

Musical Notation for Odes of the Canon to the Theotokos

5th Week of Lent

Musical notation for Odes of the Canon to the Theotokos

The Orthodox Funeral Service

Funeral Service Booklet

The Orthodox Funeral Service - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Order of services for a Priest Funeral

Service Book for a Priest's Funeral

Book for the Service of a Priest's Funeral

Rubric for Visitation by Bishop

Serving Note When a Bishop Visits

Serving rubrics for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Ordination to the Diaconate

Texts for the Ordination

Texts for the Ordination to the Diaconate

Ordination to the Holy Priesthood

Texts for the Ordination

Texts for the Ordination to the Holy Priesthood

Orthodox Musical Resources

Orthodox Two Part Music

A rich resource for Orthodox two part liturgical music

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (OCA) Juneau, AK

A great site for Octoechos for Vespers! Also includes some litany sets!

The Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America


Liturgical sheet music in English! All English text

Elizabeth Riggs

PDFs of Orthodox Music

Orthodox sheet music is set up to be printed 2-sided and hole-punched for binding


Orthodox Liturgical Music

English and Slavonic adaptations to accompany the services of the Orthodox Churc

Composer Kurt Sander

Orthodox Composer

Free Music scores for PDF download

All Saints of North America

Hamilton, Ontario Canada

Orthodox liturgical and educational resources! Especially nice is their "Parish Mission Tools" feature!!

St.Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church

McKinney, Texas

Prayers, sermons, meditations on scripture sayings from the Holy Fathers

Weblog of John Sanidopolous

Orthodox Weblog of the Mystagogy Resource Center

Very informative on the Feasts and Sints of the Orthodox Faith

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese

The Department of Sacred Music

A wonderful Online PDF music library that draws from both the Greek and Slavic backgrounds!

Music for the Burial of a Priest

Burial of a Priest Music

The Music for the Burial of a Priest

Service Books in Spanish

Baptismal Service 1


Baptismal Service in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Baptismal Service 2


Baptismal Service in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Daily Prayers 1


Daily Prayers in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Daily Prayers 2


Daily Prayers in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Funeral Service 1


Funeral Service in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

Funeral Service 2


Funeral Service in Spanish - set up to be printed 2 sided on standard letter paper and folded

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