Article V
The Metropolitan Council

Section 1


The Metropolitan Council is the permanent executive body of the Church administration which exists for the purpose of implementing the decisions of the All-American Council and continues the work of the Council between its sessions.  The Metropolitan serves as the chairman of the Council.

Section 2  


The Metropolitan Council shall consist of:

  1. The Metropolitan; 
  2. The Chancellor, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of The Orthodox Church in America, ex officio; 
  3. Two representatives from each Diocese, one priest or deacon and one layperson, elected by the Diocesan Assembly unless otherwise provided for by Diocesan Bylaws; and
  4. Six (6) members elected at-large by the All-American Council, three priests or deacons and three laypersons.

An alternate elected at the All-American Council becomes a member of the Metropolitan Council only when a permanent vacancy in an at-large membership occurs.

Section 3  

Terms of Office

  1. Ex officio members of the Metropolitan Council serve for the duration of their term in office. 
  2. Diocesan Representatives to the Metropolitan Council are elected for a term of three (3) years.
  3. At-large members of the Metropolitan Council and alternates are elected for a term from one All-American Council through the next, excluding any extraordinary All-American Council.
  4. Elected members of the Metropolitan Council, whether Diocesan or at-large, may serve no more than two successive terms.

Section 4  


The Metropolitan Council shall meet at least twice each year, once in the fall quarter and once in the spring quarter of each year.

Section 5  

Vacancies in Office

  1. Unless provided for by Diocesan Bylaws, permanent vacancies occurring among Diocesan Representatives are filled by the next Diocesan Assembly, with permanent vacancies occurring in the interim being filled by appointment of the Diocesan Council. 
  2. Diocesan Representatives to the Metropolitan Council are elected for a term of three (3) years.
  3. In those cases in which a Diocesan Representative is temporarily unable to attend meetings of the Metropolitan Council, the Diocesan Authority may designate a substitute to attend as a guest of the Metropolitan Council, with right of voice but not the right to vote. 
  4. Permanent vacancies occurring among at-large members are filled by alternates who have been elected by the All-American Council, one priest or deacon and one layperson. 

Section 6  

Quorum and Voting

A majority of the members of the Metropolitan Council will constitute a quorum. All decisions of the Metropolitan Council are made by a majority vote of those present; in case of a tie, the deciding vote shall be cast by the Chairperson. The decisions of the Metropolitan Council shall become effective upon approval by the Metropolitan or the Holy Synod, depending on the nature of the decision. 

Guests may be invited to attend sessions of the Metropolitan Council by any member, with the approval of the Metropolitan. Guests shall have no right to vote but may address the Council if requested.

Section 7  


The following matters are within the competence of the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Council shall:

  1. Implement the decisions of the All-American Council and continue the work of the All-American Council between sessions in the areas of its competence;
  2. Assist the Metropolitan and the Holy Synod in implementing decisions within its competence;
  3. Establish and implement the annual budget for the operations of the Church;
  4. Supervise and review the audit of all financial reports and records of the Church and see to their prompt and transparent publication;
  5. Supervise the collection of revenues as authorized by the All-American Council;
  6. Develop and implement programs of planned giving for support of the Church, including gifts, grants, bequests, and other contributions;
  7. Oversee the management of Church properties and investments;
  8. Consider and authorize the purchase, rental, sale, mortgaging, or alienation of the real and personal property of the Church, except in cases covered in Article XII, Section 9;
  9. Conserve the spiritual and cultural patrimony of the Church including not only real property but also personal property owned or bequeathed to the Church, particularly items of religious, spiritual, liturgical, cultural, historic, and artistic significance;
  10. Maintain an inventory of all properties of the Church both real and personal;
  11. Initiate, prosecute, and defend all legal matters affecting the interests of the Church;
  12. Endorse for confirmation by the Holy Synod the Metropolitan’s selection of the Chancellor, Secretary, Treasurer, and other officers of the Church whose competence or service extends beyond the boundaries of a single Diocese; 
  13. Provide for publication and dissemination of materials for promoting the Orthodox Faith; 
  14. Determine the data and means necessary for collecting and reporting on the state of the Church, and direct the appropriate Church Officers to collect, preserve, and report on the results;
  15. Receive and act upon reports from the Church Officers, Church institutions, departments, commissions, committees, offices, and boards in areas within its competence;
  16. Appoint committees and officers in areas within its competence, determine the scope of their activities, and receive their reports in a timely fashion;
  17. Nominate a Preconciliar Commission for appointment by the Holy Synod;
  18. Assist the Holy Synod in determining the dates, location, and theme of the All-American Council;
  19. Nominate and appoint members of the Auditing Committee and receive written reports from it in accordance with Article V, Section 9;
  20. Adopt and amend the Pension Plan of The Orthodox Church in America upon recommendation of the Pension Board, in accordance with Article III, Section 1:6; and
  21. Resolve disputes regarding the minutes of the All-American Council, as provided for in Article III, Section 1:2.

Section 8  

Administrative Committee

The Metropolitan Council may appoint a committee consisting of the Chancellor, Secretary, Treasurer, and two additional members of the Metropolitan Council to meet with the Standing Synod of Bishops upon its invitation, for discussion of routine administrative matters. This committee shall present a written report to the Metropolitan Council concerning all discussions and actions.

Section 9  

Auditing Committee

An Auditing Committee, consisting of three persons with relevant professional experience, shall be appointed by the Metropolitan Council at its first meeting following adjournment of a normally convened All-American Council. Members of the Auditing Committee shall serve for a term from one All-American Council through the next, excluding any extraordinary meetings of the All-American Council. The Committee’s duties shall be to audit all accounts of The Orthodox Church in America on a semiannual basis, to review the audited accounts of all stavropegial institutions on an annual basis and to present written reports to the Metropolitan Council. The Chair of the Auditing Committee shall attend sessions of the Metropolitan Council solely to make the Committee’s reports. An Audit Committee member may succeed himself/herself for one additional term, and may be removed only for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Metropolitan Council. Any vacancy in the Auditing Committee shall be filled in a timely fashion by the Metropolitan Council.


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