Photos from 2009 Diocesan Assembly - 12/04/2009

(25 images)

December 4-5, 2009


The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania held it’s 46th Annual Assembly at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem with two days of prayer and meetings. The Assembly opened with Vespers on Friday evening, served by the Rector of St Nicholas Church, Fr. David Mahaffey. His Grace offered a few words about the saint of the day, St Sabbas the Sanctified, highlighting this great ascetics importance for Orthodox Christians today.


Following Vespers, the Assembly formally was opened in the parish hall with the singing of “O Heavenly King” and the general housekeeping business (Session I). Nominations for Assembly-wide positions on the Diocesan Council, Metropolitan Council and auditors were accepted and the election procedures were discussed. Following dinner, the Diocesan Bishop and Chancellor answered questions on their respective written reports which were previously posted and are available (along with all Assembly reports) HERE. His Grace also presented an Action Statement (here) for the entire diocese to adopt and apply over the next year.


Afterwards, Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff offered an enlightening presentation on “Do you want to be made well?: How to release the God-given potential that exists in every parish.” Fr Jonathan is the Rector of St John the Theologian Orthodox Church (OCA) in Shirley, NY and has worked for many years in the Office of Church Growth and Evangelization and many other parish health ministries. He spoke eloquently about the realities that face every parish, particularly those parishes that have reached a plateau or are undergoing decline. He provided many insights and practical advice for parishes seeking to achieve health. He also spoke about the Natural Church Development process by which parishes might self-assess their strengths and weaknesses in order to benefit from those strengths and correct the weaknesses.


The following day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, presided over by His Grace and concelebrated by several diocesan clergy. This was followed by a delicious brunch, which, together with the Friday evening meal, was coordinated and prepared by the faithful of St Nicholas Church. During the morning session (session II) reports were presented by the Treasurer, the internal Diocesan Auditors and the external auditor, Mr. Paul Berdy. Questions were also fielded from the Diocesan Deans and the Metropolitan Council Representatives.


During Session III, further reports were heard from Fr. Timothy Hojnicki, reporting on the progress of Holy Apostles Mission and Fr. Stephen Vernak, who offered a power-point presentation on the Agia Sophia Coffeehouse. In area of education, His Grace spoke about the restructuring and expansion of the Department of Christian Education and the three officers of the recently appointed Office of Young Adult Activities presented highlights of the past year’s events and a list of upcoming teen events.


The Diocesan budget was discussed at length and was approved by the Assembly as proposed, with a $10 increase for the Diocesan assessment (the assessment for the central administration does not change) for the next year as well as the elimination of the United Appeal. A motion was presented and accepted requesting the formation of a committee to review the financial situation of the diocese and to propose alternate methods of funding the diocese other than the present assessment system. 


During session II and session III, elections were held with the following positions being filled for a three-year term:


Metropolitan Council Representatives

Fr. David Mahaffey

Mr. David Yeosock


Delegates At Large

Fr. Nicholas Solak

Mr. Mark Linnehan


Deanery Representatives


 Fr. Timothy Hojnicki

 Ms. Elsie Herman


 Fr. John Soucek

 Mr. John Buckeye


Fr. Matthew Cantrell

Mr. Doug Yates



 Protodeacon Sergei Kapral

 Mr. David Yeosock

 Matushka Jennifer Cantrel


The Assembly adjourned at approximately 2:30 p.m. with delegates hurrying home to avoid the falling snow. Overall, the Assembly generated some fruitful discussion on many important topics facing the diocese and was enjoyed by all. Anyone desiring further details on the Assembly should contact their priest or lay delegate as well their Diocesan Council Representatives.


December 5-6, 2009


Following the 46th Annual Diocesan Assembly, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON remained in Bethelehem to celebrate the patronal feast of the parish. Together with the rector, Fr. David Mahaffey, he served Great Vespers on Saturday evening and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, together with Archpriest Theodore Orzolek and Protodeacon Peter Skoog.


During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace presented the Jeweled Cross award (a gift from the parish and it’s organizations) to Fr. David for his years of dedicated service to Christ and His Holy Church. Fr. David is the newly elected Dean of the Philadelphia Deanery and has served several parishes in our Diocese and has offered his talents as auditor for the central administration and for the diocese. He also continues to teach at St Tikhon’s Seminary and at the Deacon’s Program at St Stephen’s Cathedral in Philadelphia. His Grace also awarded Fr. Timothy Hasenecz the right to wear the Kamilavka. Fr. Timothy is attached to St Nicholas Church and is presently serving as a full-time hospital chaplain, focusing on hospice care. His grace also tonsured the reader Geoffrey during the hours before the Divine Liturgy. May God grant them all many years.


November 25


On the eve of the civil holiday of Thanksgiving, the Akathist “Glory to God for All Things” was sung at a pan-Orthodox gathering at St Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA. His Grace, Bishop TIKHON presided at the service, which was concelebrated by seven local clergy:


Fr. Srboljub Jockovich (Rector – St Nicholas Church)

Fr. Stephen Vernak (Rector – Christ the Saviour Church)

Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (Rector – Holy Apostles Mission)

Fr. Patrick Burns (Holy Annunciation Bulgarian-Macedonian Church)

Fr. Daniel Ressestar (Retired – Christ the Saviour Church)

Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge (Dean – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral)

Fr. Yanni Verginis (Assistant Priest – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral)


Nearly 100 faithful gathered for this event and enjoyed a moving sermon from Fr. Kosta and the hospitality of St Nicholas parish during the refreshments which followed the service.


November 15, 2009


His Grace, Bishop TIKHON served the Divine Liturgy at Bucknell University for the students of its OCF chapter. Approximately 30 students and faithful from the local area gathered for this joyous event. His Grace concelebrated with Fr. James Chuta, the chaplain for the OCF chapter and with Deacon Alexander Cadman, from State College, who was also joined by several members of the Penn State OCF chapter who helped sing the responses. Following the Liturgy, a luncheon was held in a private university dining room where students had an opportunity to speak with Bishop TIKHON and also with the head chaplain of the University.

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