“Rainbows of Remembrance” a ceremony to honor the memory of babies who passed away this past year was held at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville on October 15, 2009. October 15 is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. The ceremony included prayers, the lighting of candles and key note speakers. This year’s speakers included Fr James Weremedic and Marianne McKimpson.

 Marianne McKimpson is the author of “Playing in God’s Garden”, a book based in her personal experience. Fr James is a priest in the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. He completed the Chaplain Residency program at Geisinger Hospital earlier this year. While at Geisinger, Father James concentrated his studies in the Prenatal Center for Pediatrics, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Women’s Center for Health including Labor and Delivery. Father James shared his family’s personal experience with pregnancy loss. While at the Remembrance ceremony, he was able to reunite with the families and staff with whom he worked as a Resident Chaplain.

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