Diocesan Clergy Retreat • Stroudsburg

Dr. Philip Mamalakis speaks at Clergy Retreat - 02/13/2015

Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor, Pastoral Care, at Holy Cross Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, was the speaker at the February 13th clergy continuing education program held at Holy Trinity Church, Stroudsburg, PA. His topic was "The Sacrament of Listening", looking at the heart of pastoral care as the healing, ascetic ministry of listening, expanding it to  wives and children as well. 

The afternoon program covered a discussion on Same-Sex Attraction, and how we approach/understand pastoral care and the issue of same-sex attraction using the approach of peer groups with small group discussions.

Dr. Mamalakis drove through snow-covered Massachusetts to speak to our clergy.  Approximately twenty clergy participated.

We thank Father Nicholas Solak and parishioners for hosting this program and for the luncheon.

(22 images)

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