Vacation Church School • Philadelphia

St. Stephens Cathedral hosts Church School - 08/20/2013

St. Stephens Cathedral parish had another year of successful Vacation Church School program.  During three days of August (Aug 20-22) 36 children from St. Stephens as well as from neighboring parish of Sts. Peter and Paul came for prayer, study, work and play.  There was a variety of activities that children were engaged in, both outdoors and inside.  There was a presentation on nature and farming that was given by one of the local farms.  Fr. Gregory Dudash joined us for an iconography workshop where children got a chance to decorate icons that they later took home for use in their icon corner.  Finally, as it has been a tradition for many years here, we finished our program with preparing food for the homeless people of Philadelphia that was distributed by King’s Jubilee, local Orthodox organization that provides this necessary ministry to the poor of our city.  We are looking forward to Vacation Church School next year and hope that more children will be able to join us both from our parish and from other Orthodox Churches in the area.

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