Diocesan Committee Reviews Proposed Resolutions

The Resolutions Committee of the Extraordinary Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, under the chairmanship of His Grace, Bishop TIKHON met on Saturday August 2nd to consider the four resolutions submitted by parishes for consideration at the Extraordinary Assembly to be held on August 9th at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Philadelphia.

Each resolution was reviewed and discussed, with the Committee proposing edits of the language and of the proposed resolutions where it considered it appropriate for the sake of clarity of thought, or to remedy perceived theological or canonical deficiencies. These recommendations are found in BOLD print on the individual resolutions, all of which are presented in their original formulation, so that parishes can consider both the submissions and the Committee's recommendations or comments. These resolutions may be accessed by clicking on the links below:

Resolution 1
Resolution 2
Resolution 3
Resolution 4

In addition to the four resolutions received from parishes, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, on behalf of the Resolutions Committee, offered two additional resolutions for consideration, each of which arose from the discussions at the August 2nd meeting of the Committee. These resolutions can be found at the following links:

Resolution 5

Resolution 6

If delegates from parishes or institutions wish to submit additional resolutions for consideration, or propose amendments to the resolutions already approved for consideration, they are asked to do so as soon as possible and no later than 12 midday on the day of the Extraordinary Assembly. They can be emailed before Saturday to dioc.eastern.pa@gmail.com.

The Resolutions Committee also received a proposal from one of it's members, Dr. David Ford, offering some preliminary thoughts regarding jurisdictional unity between the OCA with the Antiochian Archdiocese. While not endorsing this proposal as a formal resolution, the Committee felt it appropriate to be forwarded to the Diocesan Assembly for discussion:

Proposal for Jurisdictional Unity

The Extraordinary Assembly will commence at 11AM on August 9th and will close no later than 5:00PM.

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