Palm Sunday • Bethlehem

Palm Sunday Celebration with Archbishop Mark at St. Nicholas - 04/01/2018

On Palm Sunday, April 1, the Divine Liturgy was served, and pussy willows and palms were blessed by Archbishop Mark and Fr. Matthew, rector, assisted by Deacon Geoffrey, Altar Servers, and the St. Nicholas Choir, directed by Reader Nick Lezinsky. The blessed palms and pussy willows were distributed to the faithful of the congregation, after the service.
During the service, Fr. Matthew was awarded the ‘Nebedrenik’ by Archbishop Mark. A shield, which stands for the duty of the priest to be a defender of the faith and the flock, as well as a preacher of the truth.
After the Divine Liturgy, the award to Fr. Matthew, and distribution of the pussy willows and palms, a Lenten Luncheon was served in Chernay Fellowship Hall. Delicious food and Christian fellowship were enjoyed by all who attended.
As we start Holy Week, we wait with great anticipation the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

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