Major Project Completed • Simpson
Fr. John Kowalczyk Parish Administrator and Fr. John Nightingale along with St. Basil's Parish Council standing on their newly paved parking lot.
Fr. John Kowalczyk Parish Administrator and Fr. John Nightingale along with St. Basil's Parish Council standing on their newly paved parking lot.
Fr. John Kowalczyk Parish Administrator and Fr. John Nightingale along with St. Basil's Parish Council standing on their newly paved parking lot.
Celebration of completed paving project for St. Basil's parking lot

St. Basil’s Orthodox Church in Simpson PA, completed an ambitious project on September 5, 2015. With a grateful heart St. Basil's parish celebrates the completion and 100% funding of their $30,000 dollar paving project on September 5th 2015. Glory to God!

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