Pentecost • Harrisburg

Christ the Saviour celebrates feast and the Sacrament of Chrismation - 06/08/2014

On Sunday, June 8th the community at Christ the Saviour began their celebration of the feast of Great and Holy Pentecost. Before the Divine Liturgy, Joseph McClure was Chrismated into the Holy Orthodox Church. We pray that God would bless him and grant him many years as a faithful member of His Body!
Following Divine Liturgy and the Kneeling Vespers we gathered at the parish social hall for our Third Annual International Day. A special thanks to Angie DiFlorio and our fellow parishioners who helped her organize and prepare such wonderful ethnic food. We are reminded of the wonderful opportunity we are given through the Holy Church to actualize the words of the Kontakion of Pentecost:  
"When He came down and confused the tongues [Babel], the Most High divided the nations; but when He distributed the tongues of fire [Pentecost],He called all people to unity. Therefore with one voice we glorify the most-Holy Spirit!"

May we be renewed and "re-energized" by the Holy Spirit as a community of believers (from all backgrounds) - and with boldness live a life worthy of the name - Christian!

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