2013-2014 Church School Kick-Off • Mechanicsburg

Holy Apostle's Mission Begins New School Year - 09/22/2013

On Sunday, September 22, Holy Apostles Mission kicked off our 2013-2014 Church School Program. As is our parish tradition, on the first Sunday of Church School Fr. Timothy serves the Service of Proskomedia in the middle of the Church explaining this important, but rarely seen service.
At the end of the Liturgy, prayers were said for the students and teachers of the parish, as well as a special travel blessing for Monica Jekel who will be spending a semester abroad in England.
We also start our adult education series this week with a class on Wednesday after Vespers, and our Orthodoxy 101 Catechism on Saturday's before Vespers (5:00 pm).
We pray that this would be an enlightening and educational year learning about our Lord and His Holy Church.

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