Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos • Harrisburg

Christ the Saviour blesses Church School students and teachers - 09/08/2013

On Sunday, September 8th the community at Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg), celebrated the Great Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos. At the conclusion of the festive Liturgy, we had our annual blessing of the students and teachers in our parish, asking God's blessing upon their studies, as well as their vocation to guide the minds and character of students respectively. At the fellowship hour, the St. Alexis Men's Club prepared the food for our Annual Parish Family Picnic. We give thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ, for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of His Mother, to invoke His blessings upon our students and teachers, as well as enjoy a time of fellowship as His Body and as a parish family! 

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