Very Rev. John Kowalczyk to attend OCPM Conference • Houston

The Very Rev. John Kowalczyk, Secretary of the Board of OCPM - Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry - will be attending the Bi-Annual Board Meeting from Thursday, February 21st to Saturday, February 23rd in Houston, Texas. The Board of Directors will be planning the Annual Convocation to be held this year in Atlanta, Georgia in September. OCPM is a Pan-Orthodox Organization under the Assembly of Bishops in North America. Bishop Mark of Baltimore is the Episcopal liaison for OCPM. In addition to being Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania,  Fr. John is the Director of Field Education for St. Tikhon's Seminary, and has been involved in Prison Ministry as Forensic Chaplain at SCI -Waymart for the Past 27 years. More information will be forthcoming on the Convocation as it develops.  

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