The Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH) has been selected as a finalist in the Central Penn Business Journals "Non-Profit Innovation Awards". They were nominated for their project - Agia Sophia Coffeehouse and Bookstore, in the category: Brand Identity/Unique Marketing Campaign (Category description: This nonprofit has been innovative in using a new marketing concept to attract financial support, volunteers and/or clients. This could include changing name and/or direction to better serve its constituency.) To find out more, please visit:
The board of directors of OCCGH, the employees of Agia Sophia, and the many contributors and volunteers who have given sacrificially since their inception, are to be commended for their labors. Selected or not, this recognition is a consolation from Christ - may it serve as a means for furthering OCCGH's mission to serve our community and bring the beauty of our Faith into the heart of our State's capitol.