Christ is in our midst!

I am pleased to announce that Agia Sophia Harrisburg now has a home on the web. Check out: Notice that much of the space is under construction, and coming soon! With your help and your willingness to share the site with your family and friends we will draw even closer to our goal of opening in early 2010.

We are encouraging our parishioners, benefactors and friends to consider making a financial gift so we can reach our $80,000.00 capital goal. This is a first and last appeal - once the project begins operation it must stand on its own! The way see it we can reach our goal if any of the following take place:

  • 1,000 faithful - $80 each = Funding Goal
  • 400 faithful - $200 each = Funding Goal
  • 160 faithful - $500 each = Funding Goal
  • There are no donations too large or too small! God bless you for your generosity!

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ always involves a risk, yet we are given the command by our Lord to “go forth”. This project is a modest attempt to fulfill this command - to meet our neighbors where they gather to live, work, and make the laws that affect our lives, and to provide a sacred space, where they can come into contact with Orthodoxy, not to mention get a great cup of coffee! 

Please consider a one-time (tax deductible) financial contribution to make this dream a reality! You can donate online or send to the address below.

With love in Christ-

Fr. Stephen

Orthodox Christian Charities
of Greater Harrisburg, Inc.

5501 Old Locust Lane
Harrisburg, PA 17109

make checks payable to: OCCGH
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