Forgiveness Vespers Served at All Saints Church, Olyphant, PA - 03/02/2025
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, March 2, 2025, Forgiveness Sunday, All Saints Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated Forgiveness Vespers and the Rite of Forgiveness. |
The Feast of the Meeting of our Lord celebrated at All Saints Church, Olyphant, PA - 02/02/2025
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] -On Sunday, February 2, 2025, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple. |
Blessing and Installation of the Parish Council at All Saints Church in Olyphant, PA - 01/12/2025
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] – On Sunday, January 12, 2025, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Mark, the Parish Council and Auditors of All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, were installed. |
120th Anniversary of St. Nicholas Church, Olyphant, PA - 12/06/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - From December 5-6, 2024, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, Celebrated their 120th Anniversary. |
Veterans Honored at All Saints Church - 11/10/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, November 10, the veterans of All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, were honored. |
Clergy Appreciation at All Saints Church - 10/20/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, October 20, 2024, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated Clergy Appreciation Month by presenting gifts to the clergy of the parish. |
Church Musician Sunday Celebrated at All Saints Church - 10/06/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, October 6, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated Church Musician Sunday. |
Faithful of All Saints Church Observe Proskomedia - 09/29/2024
On Sunday, September 30, the service of Proskomedia was served in the center of the church for the faithful of All Saints Orthodox Church to observe. |
Concert and Open House Held at All Saints Church - 09/05/2024
On Thursday, September 5, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, hosted a concert and open house for the public titled "Blessed Among Women: A Selection of Hymns to the Virgin Mary." |
Ecclesiastical New Year Celebrated at All Saints Church in Olyphant, PA - 09/01/2024
On Sunday, September 1, The first day of the Church New Year, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the beginning of the Indiction. |
All Saints Church Hosting Public Concert & Open House - 08/29/2024
On Thursday, September 5, All Saints Orthodox Church will be hosting another Public Concert & Open House. |
Blessing of Vehicles • Olyphant, PA - 07/21/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, July 21, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the Feast of the Holy and Glorious Prophet Elijah with a blessing of parishioners' vehicles. |
Blessing of Vehicles • Olyphant, PA - 07/21/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, July 21, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the Feast of the Holy and Glorious Prophet Elijah with a blessing of parishioners' vehicles and a parish picnic. |
Patronal Feast • Olyphant, PA - 06/30/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 30, The Feast of All Saints, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the Patronal Feast of the Parish. |
Pentecost • Olyphant, PA - 06/23/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 23, The Feast of Holy Pentecost was celebrated at All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA. |
Graduates Honored • Olyphant, PA - 06/16/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 16, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, the graduates of All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, were honored. |
Graduates Honored • Olyphant, PA - 06/09/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 9, the Sunday of the Blind Man, the graduates of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA were honored. |
Myrrh-Bearing Women Sunday • Olyphant, PA - 05/19/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, May 19, the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church blessed their parish graves. |
Bright Monday • Olyphant, PA - 05/06/2024
OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Monday, May 6, Bright Monday, All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA hosted the Bright Monday Liturgy. |
Great and Holy Pascha • Olyphant, PA - 05/05/2024
On Sunday, May 5, Great and Holy Pascha, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church celebrated the Paschal Vigil in Olyphant, PA. |
Holy Week and Great and Holy Pascha • Olyphant, PA - 05/05/2024
A prayerful cycle of services served during Holy Week and Great and Holy Pascha at All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA. |
Palm Sunday • Olyphant, PA - 04/28/2024
The Triumphal Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem-Palm Sunday services were held on April 28, 2024 at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA. |
Mission Service • Olyphant, PA - 04/24/2024
On April 21, the 5th Sunday of Great Lent: St. Mary of Egypt, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant hosted a mission service for the parishes of the Wilkes Barre Deanery. |
Sunday Of Orthodoxy • Olyphant - 03/28/2024
The First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, was observed by the parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant on Sunday, March 24. |
Foregiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/19/2024
On Sunday, February 17, Cheesefare Sunday, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers. |
Theophany • Olyphant - 01/10/2024
On Saturday, Jan.6 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the great feast of Theophany. |
Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 01/03/2024
On Monday, December 25, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. |
Feast of St. Nicholas • Olyphant - 12/08/2023
On Wednesday, December 6, the congregation of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant and several other local Orthodox congregations gathered in Olyphant to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day. |
New Robes Blessed • Olyphant - 11/22/2023
On Sunday, November 19, at St. Nicholas Church in Olyphant three new sets of robes for our altar servers were blessed by Fr. Clausson. |
Significant External Renovations • Olyphant - 11/01/2023
During the month of October, through the generosity of its faithful and focused fundraising efforts, the community of All Saints in Olyphant undertook a significant exterior renovation of the Church's domes and windows. |
New Chalice Blessed • Olyphant - 09/15/2023
A new Chalice was blessed at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant on Saturday, September 9 by Fr. Clausson. |
Fr. Fetcho Honored Upon Retirement • Olyphant - 09/13/2023
At Liturgy on Sunday, September 10, the family of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant honored V. Rev. Vladimir Fetcho's retirement and also offered prayers for all the students returning to school this fall. |
Summer Internship • Olyphant - 09/06/2023
The parish of All Saints was blessed through the underwriting of the Elsie Skvir Ganister Foundation to have a parish internship throughout the course of the Summer at the parish. On Pentecost, Fr. Paul Witek, Rector, welcomed Fr. Dcn. Gregory Fedorchak and his Matushka, Kristen, to the parish for the Summer. |
Feast of the Dormition • Olyphant - 08/17/2023
On Tuesday, August 15, the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered to commemorate the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos. |
The Feast of the Transfiguration • Olyphant - 08/08/2023
The parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA celebrated the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, August 6. |
Blessing Of Vehicles • Olyphant - 07/25/2023
On Sunday, July 16, the annual blessing of cars was held at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant. |
Annual Family Picnic • Olyphant - 07/24/2023
On Sunday, July 9, St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant held their annual family picnic. |
Archpastoral Visit • Olyphant - 07/05/2023
On Sunday, July 2, the parish of All Saints Orthodox Church joined with St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in welcoming Archbishop Mark on his Archpastoral visit to St Nicholas parish in Olyphant. |
The Feast of Pentecost • Olyphant - 06/06/2023
On Sunday, June 4, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant joyfully welcomed our new Acting Rector Fr. Nathan Clausson and his family to our parish. |
Bright Saturday • Olyphant - 04/24/2023
On Bright Saturday, April 22 the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church and All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered for a Pachal Divine Liturgy. |
Holy Week and Pascha • Olyphant - 04/20/2023
Christ is Risen! During the Course of Holy Week 2023, Fr. Paul Witek and the parishioners of All Saints gathered on a daily basis for the celebration of divine services. |
PASCHA • Olyphant - 04/19/2023
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA celebrated Great and Holy Pascha this weekend with Nocturns, Matins and a Paschal Liturgy. |
Great and Holy Friday • Olyphant - 04/18/2023
On April 14, Great and Holy Friday, the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church and All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant joined to commemorate the time leading up to and of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. |
Palm Sunday • Olyphant - 04/12/2023
On Sunday, 9 April 2023, the faithful of All Saints greeted the Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. |
Palm Sunday • Olyphant - 04/11/2023
St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated Palm Sunday, the Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem, on Sunday, April 9. |
Parish Youth Celebrates Sunday of the Cross • Olyphant - 03/20/2023
Following Divine Liturgy celebrating the Veneration of the Cross, the youngest members of St. Nicholas Church in Olyphant decorated crosses. |
Forgiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/06/2023
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant gathered on Sunday, Feb.26 for Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers. |
Theophany • Olyphant - 01/09/2023
On Friday, January 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered to celebrate the Feast of Theophany. |
Nativity Giving Drive • Olyphant - 01/05/2023
This Nativity season, All Saints parish sponsored a Christmas Giving Drive to support high school students in need in the Mid Valley School District. |
Feast of St. Nicholas • Olyphant - 12/08/2022
On Tuesday, December 6 in Olyphant, the faithful of All Saints Orthodox Church joined those at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas. |
Archbishop MARK Visits • Olyphant - 11/16/2022
On Sunday, 30 October the Faithful of All Saints in Olyphant had the pleasure of greeting His Eminence, Archbishop Mark for an Archpastoral Visit to the parish. |
Feast of St. Tikhon • Olyphant - 11/06/2022
On Sunday, Oct. 9, the parishioners of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the feast of St. Tikhon. |
Recognizing Those Who Sing • Olyphant - 10/05/2022
On Sunday, 2 October 2022 the faithful of All Saints in Olyphant celebrated the newly inaugurated OCA Church Musician Sunday -- honoring the gifts, talents, and abilities of those who beautify the services with their voices and music. |
Honoring First Responders • Olyphant - 10/04/2022
In honor of September 11th, All Saints Parish paid tribute to first responders of the Olyphant Fire and Police Departments. |
Feast of the Transfiguration • Olyphant - 08/10/2022
The faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA celebrated the Transfiguration of Christ with Liturgy and the Blessing of Fruits. |
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul • Olyphant - 07/14/2022
On Wednesday, 29 June 2022 the faithful of All Saints held a festive Liturgy for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. |
Archbishop MARK Visits • Olyphant - 07/06/2022
On Sunday, July 3, the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Mark for an Archpastoral visit. |
Priestly Ordination and First Priestly Services • Olyphant - 06/15/2022
On Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 May 2022, the faithful of All Saints in Olyphant joined by honored guests celebrated the ordination of the parish’s Council President, Dcn. Paul Witek to the Holy Priesthood by the hand of His Eminence Archbishop Mark. |
Holy Week and Pascha • Olyphant - 05/12/2022
During the course of Holy Week, the faithful of All Saints in Olyphant gathered for daily services to walk with the Lord to his Voluntary Passion, His Descent into Hades, and His Glorious Resurrection. |
PASCHA • Olyphant - 05/12/2022
On the weekend of April 23, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the services of PASCHA. |
Sunday of the Cross • Olyphant - 03/30/2022
On Sunday, 27 March 2022 the faithful of All Saints in Olyphant greeted the midpoint of the Great Fast with celebrating the Sunday of the Veneration of the Precious and Life-creating Cross. |
Memorial Service • Olyphant - 03/22/2022
n Friday, 18 March 2022 the faithful of All Saints in Olyphant gathered for a Panikhida to remember all the faithful departed of the parish community. |
All Saints Honors Father Daniel and Matushka Mary Geeza • Olyphant - 03/08/2022
On Sunday, February 27th All Saints Parish in Olyphant honored Archpriest Daniel Geeza on his 63rd Anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood. |
Forgiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/08/2022
On Sunday, March 6, St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, lead in prayer by Rev. James Chuta and Rev. John Nightingale, celebrated Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers to mark the beginning of the Lenten season. |
The Great Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 12/28/2021
The faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on Dec. 25, 2021. |
Patronal Feast Day • Olyphant - 12/09/2021
On Monday, December 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated their patronal feast day. |
Dormition • Olyphant - 08/22/2021
On Sunday, August 15, the community of All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA gathered for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. |
Dormition • Olyphant - 08/17/2021
On Sunday, Aug. 15 the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the feast of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos. |
Transfiguration • Olyphant - 08/11/2021
On Friday, Aug. 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA were led by V. Rev. Vladimir Fetcho in the celebration of the Transfiguration of Christ and the Feast with Blessing of Fruits. |
Mothers Day and Notable Anniversary • Olyphant - 05/12/2021
On May 9, Father Fetcho and Father Nightingale led the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant in prayers of thanks and praise for the mothers of the parish and for mothers everywhere. |
PASCHA • Olyphant - 05/05/2021
Nocturns, Resurrection Matins and Paschal Divine Liturgy were celebrated at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant On May 1 and May 2. |
Great and Holy Friday • Olyphant - 05/03/2021
On Great and Holy Friday Fr. Vladimir Fetcho and Fr. John Nightingale led the congregation of St. Nicholas in Olyphant in commemorating the final events in the life of Christ. |
Palm Sunday • Olyphant - 04/26/2021
On Sunday, April 25 the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, celebrated the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. |
The Feast of Theophany • Olyphant - 01/22/2021
On Wednesday, January 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the Feast of Theophany. |
The Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 01/05/2021
The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was celebrated on Friday, Dec. 25 at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA. |
Patronal Feast • Olyphant - 12/08/2020
On Sunday, December 6 the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church In Olyphant celebrated their patronal feast day. |
St. Nicholas Presents Fr. John Nightingale With A Gold Cross - 10/20/2020
On Sunday, October 18, 2020 Father John Nightingale was presented a Gold Cross by the faithful of St. Nicholas Parish in Olyphant. |
Feast of the Dormition • Olyphant - 08/19/2020
On Saturday, August 15, 2020 the parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the last great feast of the church year, the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos. |
Feast of the Transfiguration • Olyphant - 08/07/2020
The parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA celebrated the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. |
Prophet Elias Feast Day • Olyphant - 07/20/2020
On Sunday, July 19 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant recognized the holy prophet Elias' feast day. |
The Feast Of Pentecost • Olyphant - 06/08/2020
On Sunday, June 7, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the re-opening of the parish after having been shut down in mid March as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. |
Good Friday • Olyphant - 04/30/2019
The faithful of St. Nicholas in Olyphant celebrated Great and Holy Friday with Vespers, the placing of the Plaschanitza in the Grave and later a procession with the Plaschanitza. |