During the month of October, through the generosity of its faithful and focused fundraising efforts, the community of All Saints in Olyphant undertook a significant exterior renovation of the Church's domes and windows. A project that the community hopes will last for a generation, the parish partnered with R. Laske Ecclesiastical Painting to complete this significant project. The Church's cupola crosses were re-gilded with Italian 24K gold leaf and the Domes were painted a beautiful dark blue. The protective glass over stained glass windows on the Church's south wall were removed and cleaned, exterior woodwork was repainted, and glasses were reinstalled and glazed.
The refurbished domes now standout on the burough's silhouette, and externally call those in the area to "come on see" the beauty of the parish's worship and participate in its fellowship.
The faithful look forward to the visit of His Eminence, Archbishop Mark On Sunday, 12 November 2023. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence will bless the recent renovations, and all gathered are invited to partake of a festive meal in the parish hall following the Divine Liturgy (9:30AM).
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