Archbishop Mark Makes Archpastoral Visit to St. Michael's Church, Mount Carmel, PA - 11/24/2024
MOUNT CARMEL, PA [DOEPA] - On November 23-24, 2024, The Afterfeast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple and Feast of the Great Martyr Katherine of Alexandria, His Eminence Archbishop Mark made an Archpastoral Visit to St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA. |
Altar Feast of Saint Michael's Church in Mount Carmel, PA - 11/08/2024
MOUNT CARMEL, PA [DOEPA] – On Friday, November 8, the Feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers, the Altar Feast of Saint Michael’s Church in Mount Carmel, PA, was celebrated by the Frackville Deanery. |
Blessing of Vehicles • Mount Carmel, PA - 07/21/2024
MOUNT CARMEL, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, July 21, in celebration of the Feast of the Holy and Glorious Prophet Elijah, Saint Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA, held a blessing of the parishioners' vehicles. |
Palm Sunday • Mount Carmel, PA - 04/28/2024
On Sunday, April 28, The Feast of the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem was celebrated at Saint Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA. |
Annual Pacha Bread Baking • Mount Carmel, PA - 04/20/2024
On Saturday, April 20, The community of Saint Michael's Orthodox Church baked Pascha bread in preparation for Great and Holy Pascha. |
Coal Region Mission Vespers • Mount Carmel - 03/31/2024
On the Second Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Michael's Church in Mount Carmel, PA, hosted the first Coal Region Lenten Mission Vespers of the season. |
Sunday of Orthodoxy • Mount Carmel - 03/24/2024
On Sunday, March 24, The Sunday of Orthodoxy was celebrated at Saint Michael's in Mount Carmel, PA |
Clean Week • Mount Carmel - 03/23/2024
On Forgiveness Sunday, the commemoration of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, Saint Michael Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA celebrated Divine Liturgy and Vespers with the Rite of Forgiveness, marked by hymns to commence Great Lent with Repentance. During the week of Clean Week, Great Compline with the Canon of Saint Andrew was held. On Friday, The first Presanctified Liturgy of Lent was served at Saint Michael's, where Fr. Aleksey blessed kolyva in honor of the Greatmartyr, St. Theodore the Recruit. |
Theophany • Mount Carmel - 01/15/2024
On January 6, 2024, Father Aleksey Paranyuk celebrated Theophany and Blessed Water following Liturgy at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Feast of the Nativity • Mount Carmel - 01/01/2024
Father Aleksey Paranyuk celebrated Nativity Eve Vigil and Liturgy for Nativity at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Outreach During the Nativity • Mount Carmel - 12/21/2023
On December 16, 2023, the elves at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel were busy making Christmas cookies for the nursing home and to distribute to the parish. |
The Feast of St. Nicholas • Mount Carmel - 12/15/2023
Once again St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel did many activities in commemoration of St. Nicholas Day. |
Parish Feast and Honoring Veterans • Mount Carmel - 11/13/2023
On November 8th, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel had its annual celebration in commemoration of St. Michael, their patron saint, and in honor of living and departed veterans in the parish and the community. |
Archbishop MARK Visits • Mount Carmel - 10/30/2023
On October 22nd, 2023, St. Michael’s parish in Mt. Carmel PA was blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, co-celebrate Divine Liturgy with Father Aleksey Paranyuk. |
St.Michael's Day & Veterans Day Celebration • Mount Carmel - 10/26/2023
St.Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel Will hold a St. Michael's Day and Veterans Day Celebration on November 8. |
Feast of the Elevation of the Cross • Mount Carmel - 09/19/2023
Father Aleksey Paranyuk celebrated Vespers and Liturgy for Elevation of the Cross at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos • Mount Carmel - 09/11/2023
Father Aleksey Paranyuk celebrated Vespers and Liturgy for the Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Sunday School Blessing • Mount Carmel - 09/01/2023
On August 27, 2023, Father Aleksey Paranyuk at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel, gave a blessing to children, teachers, and Sunday school teachers for the start of the school year. |
Welcome Fr. Aleksy and Family • Mount Carmel - 08/24/2023
On August 20th, 2023, St. Michael’s Parish in Mt. Carmel, welcomed Fr. Aleksey and Matushka Natallia Paranyuk and their children Katrina, Ioann, Helena, and Patrick to the parish. |
Graduate Honored • Mount Carmel - 08/14/2023
On August 13th, Father Barnabas Fravel presented Emily F. Geist with and Icon of Creation of the Animals following Divine Liturgy. |
The Feast of the Transfiguration • Mount Carmel - 08/08/2023
On August 6th, 2023, at St.Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel,Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated the Divine Liturgy for Transfiguration and blessed fruit and vegetables following Liturgy. |
Annual Parish Picnic • Mount Carmel - 07/13/2023
On July 9th, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel held its annual parish picnic. |
Birthday Luncheon • Mount Carmel - 07/06/2023
On June 25, 2023, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel, paid tribute to Father Barnabas by having a light lunch in his honor following Divine Liturgy. |
Community Garden Project • Mount Carmel - 07/05/2023
On June 29, 2023, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel kicked off the Community Garden Project. |
Feast of Pentecost • Mount Carmel - 06/09/2023
On June 4th, 2023, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated Divine Liturgy for Pentecost St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
PASCHA • Mount Carmel - 04/19/2023
On April 16th, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated a joyous Pascha Liturgy at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church. |
Holy Saturday • Mount Carmel - 04/18/2023
n April 15th, 2023 Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated Holy Saturday Liturgy, Nocturns and Matins at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Holy Thursday • Mount Carmel - 04/16/2023
On April 13, 2023 at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel, PA, Father Barnabas Fravel provided Matins and read the 12 Passion Gospels. |
Palm Sunday • Mount Carmel - 04/10/2023
On April 9th, 2023, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated a beautiful Liturgy for Palm Sunday at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Lenten Mission Service • Mount Carmel - 03/22/2023
On March 19, 2023, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel, PA hosted a Lenten Mission Service for the Third Sunday of Great Lent. |
Sunday Of The Cross • Mount Carmel - 03/21/2023
n March 19th, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated the Liturgy for the Third Week of Lent, Veneration of the Cross at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Parish Council Installed • Mount Carmel - 03/07/2023
n March 5, 2023, Father Barnabas Fravel administered the Oath of Office to the 2023 Parish Council and Auditors at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
The Sacrament of Marriage • Mount Carmel - 02/20/2023
Feast of the Nativity • Mount Carmel - 12/27/2022
Saint Michaels Orthodox Church in Mount Carme, PA celebrated the Feast of the Nativity. |
Caroling • Mount Carmel - 12/13/2022
On December 10th, parishioners from St. Michael’s Orthodox Church sang Christmas Carols in front of the Mt. Carmel Public Library. |
Parish Feast • Mount Carmel - 11/10/2022
On November 8th, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel had its annual celebration in commemoration of St. Michael, their patron saint, and in honor of living and departed veterans in the parish and the community. |
Parish Feast • Mount Carmel - 11/10/2022
On November 8th, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel had its annual celebration in commemoration of St. Michael, their patron saint, and in honor of living and departed veterans in the parish and the community. |
St. Michael's Day and Veterans Day Celebration • Mount Carmel - 11/06/2022
St. Michaels Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel will hold a St. Michael's Day and Veterans Day Celebration on November 8th. |
The Feast of The Elevation of the Cross • Mount Carmel - 09/19/2022
St. Michael’s Celebrates Feast of the Elevation of the Cross On September 13th Vespers was celebrated and on September 14th Divine Liturgy for Elevation of the Cross was celebrated by Father Vjekoslav Jovicic, at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Annual Parish Picnic • Mount Carmel - 09/08/2022
On August 21, 2022, St. Michael’s Orthodox Church held its annual parish picnic following Divine Liturgy celebrated by Father Vjekoslav Jovicic. |
Blessing of Graves • Mount Carmel - 06/26/2022
On June 18th, 2022, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic, blessed graves at Sts. Peter & Paul Orthodox Cemetery in Centralia. |
PASCHA • Mount Carmel - 05/12/2022
On April 24, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic and the community of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel celebrated Pascha. |
Palm Sunday • Mount Carmel - 05/12/2022
On April 17th, Palm Sunday was celebrated by Father Vjekoslav Jovicic at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel with Blessing of Willows. |
Archbishop MARK Celebrates Presanctified Liturgy • Mount Carmel - 04/26/2022
On April 20th. St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel was blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, joined the parish for Presanctified Liturgy and a Lenten Lunch. |
Sunday of the Cross • Mount Carmel - 04/06/2022
On March 27th, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic, celebrated Sunday of the Cross at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Paska Baking • Mount Carmel - 04/01/2022
On March 25th and 26th, parishioners of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel resumed its Paska baking. |
Patronal Feast • Mount Carmel - 11/09/2021
St. Michael’s Orthodox Church, in Mount Carmel, PA, celebrated its Patronal Feastday, Holy Archangel Michael and Other Bodyless Powers of Heaven, on November 8, 2021. |
Annual Picnic / Blessing of Vehicles • Mount Carmel - 07/28/2021
Blessing of Graves • Mount Carmel - 06/28/2021
On June 19th, 2021, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic held Memorial Saturday services at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel and then blessed graves at St. Michael’s Cemetery and Sts. Peter & Paul’s Cemetery in Centralia. |
PASCHA • Mount Carmel - 05/07/2021
The community of St. Michael's Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA gathered for the Feast of Feasts, Great and Holy PASCHA. |
Holy Week • Mount Carmel - 05/06/2021
St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel held Holy Week services for the faithful to gather and prepare for Pascha. |
The Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation • Mount Carmel - 05/05/2021
On May 1, 2021 at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel, Father Vjekoslav Jovicici, baptized Alex and Justin Scott. |
Palm Sunday • Mount Carmel - 04/30/2021
On Sunday, April 25, the community of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mount Carmel, PA celebrated the Feast of the Entrance of Our Lord. |
Forgiveness Sunday • Mount Carmel - 03/22/2021
On March 14, 2021, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic, celebrated Forgiveness Vespers at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
Pre-Lenten Outreach • Mount Carmel - 03/09/2021
St. Michael’s Orthodox Church gave food donations to the Mount Carmel Food Pantry on March 6, 2021. |
Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord • Mount Carmel - 02/17/2021
On February 7th, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic blessed candles following Divine Liturgy at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel for the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord. |
The Feast of Theophany • Mount Carmel - 02/16/2021
Following Divine Liturgy on January 6th, 2021, Father Vjekoslav Jovicic blessed water for the Feast of Theophany at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |
The Feast of the Nativity • Mount Carmel - 01/22/2021
On Friday,December 25, the community of St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Most Carmel, PA celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with Divine Liturgy led by Fr Vjekoslav Jovičić. |
Patronal Feast Day • Mount Carmel - 11/30/2020
St. Michael’s parish in Mount Carmel, PA celebrated it’s patronal Feast-day on Sunday, Nov 8. |
Blessing of Graves and Feast of Panteleimon • Mount Carmel - 07/28/2020
St. Michael’s Parish had Panikhida Service in both St. Michael’s Cemetery in Mount Carmel, BPA, and St. Peter’s and Paul’s Cemetery in Centralia, PA, on Saturday morning, July 25th. |
Feast of the Prophet Elijah • Mount Carmel - 07/22/2020
At St. Michael’s Church in Mount Carmel we celebrated Great Vespers on Sunday evening and Divine Liturgy on Monday morning in honor of the Holy Prophet Elijah. |
Feast Of Saints Peter and Paul • Mount Carmel - 07/06/2020
On Monday, July 5th we celebrated the Feast-day of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles, Peter and Paul. |
Blessing of Willows • Mount Carmel - 06/30/2020
On June 28, 2020, Father Vjekoslav Jovičić blessed pussy willows following Divine Liturgy at St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel. |