The Orthodox Church in America
The Most Rev. Mark, Archbishop of Philadelphia

May 1, 2020
Jeremiah the Prophet

To the Faithful of the Diocese:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Christ is Risen!
Indeed, He is Risen!

At this point in time, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark asks that a survey be conducted for his clergy, parish councils and faithful in order to assess what is needed to return to parish life.
The goal of this survey is to find out how soon you as a parishioner of your Church would return to attending services in the Church with implemented safety precautions. We also ask you for any recommendations on how to improve these safety precautions.
Some of the questions are personal in nature and ask if you have any previous health issues that may prevent you returning to church immediately. This collected data is completely confidential and anonymous. This data will only be used in making the appropriate determinations in order to allow services to begin with adequate protocols in place.
This survey consists of 10 questions and is estimated to take four minutes to complete. There is a password you will need to enter to take the survey, which you can obtain from your parish priest, the purpose of which is to make sure only our parishioners are taking the survey and one survey per person. Those who do not have online access can get a copy from their parish priest or parish council leadership. Please take the survey so your parish and the diocese can make the appropriate decisions about how and when regular services will resume.
With gratitude for your assistance in this matter and prayers for the well-being of all,
Yours in the Risen Lord,
V. Rev. Raymond M. Browne


325 N. Walnut Street * Bath, Pennsylvania 18014-1201
Telephone: 484.281.3406 * * Email:
Chancellor: V. Rev. Raymond Martin Browne * Mobile: 570.906.1388
Diocesan Treasurer: Mark Linnehan*
“Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.” Augustine

Above Letter As Printable PDF File

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