Deanery Meeting • Frackville

Frackville Deanery Meets - 12/13/2023

The Annual Frackville Deanery Meeting was held at Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, Frackville, PA, on December 13, 2023, the Feastday of St. Herman of Alaska, the Wonderworker.
Liturgy was celebrated by our Dean, Fr. Timothy H. Fr. Timothy brought with him an Icon of St. Herman that contains the relic of the Saint - which made our gathering special, since it was blessed by both spiritual and physical presence of St. Herman. Another reason to make our gathering and celebration special is that this December, 2023, we celebrate 230 years since the first Russian Mission was set on journey to preach the Gospel in the New World - in December, 1793 the first mission, 6 monks and 4 novices of Valaam Monastery (one of them was St. Herman), with the blessing of Metropolitan Gabriel, departed from St. Petersburg on the long voyage across Russia and Pacific Ocean; they will arrive to their destination the following year, first at the beginning of September to Unalaska Island, and finally on Sep 24, 1794 to Kodiak Island (the rest is history!).
Panikhida for all departed members, both clergy and laity, of our deanery was served following Liturgy - we especially prayed for: the newly departed servant of God Archpriest Michael Oleksa (+Nov 29, 2023); Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann (40th anniversary of his repose - +Dec 13, 1983); Metropolitan Herman (+Sep 06, 2022 - his names-day); Archbishop Kiprian (+Dec 14, 1980). May their memory be eternal!
Clergy and the faithful gathered in the parish hall for meal and fellowship afterwards. Finally, the meeting was held.
Holy Father Herman of Alaska, Equal to the Apostles, pray to God for us and protect us.

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