Grave Watch and Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy • Harrisburg

Christ the Saviour Welcomes Archbishop MARK - 05/01/2021

From Friday evening (April 30) until Saturday morning (May 1), the community of Christ the Saviour observed the all-night Grave Watch at the Tomb of our Lord. The faithful took 1-hour shifts being vigilant at the grave of our Lord.  On Saturday morning we welcomed Archbishop MARK for the Vesperal Liturgy (with 15 Old Testament Readings).
"The great Moses mystically foreshadowed this day, when he said: God blessed the seventh day.” This is the blessed Sabbath. This is the day of rest, on which the only-begotten Son of God rested from all His works. By suffering death to fulfill the plan of salvation. He kept the Sabbath in the flesh, by returning again to what He was. He has granted us eternal life, For He alone is good, and the lover of man."

(18 images)

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