Organized Worship Resumes • Edwardsville

St. John the Baptist Has Notable Reopening - 05/31/2020

On Sunday, May 31, the community of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Edwardsville, PA held their first regular Divine Liturgy since the onset of the pandemic. This Sunday was a special one!  It was the first time the community was able to meet and pray together since suspending services due to the pandemic. This day also marked the first time for the parish to meet their newly assigned Rector, Fr. Silouan Burns and his family - “Madre" Emilia, and sons Joshua (17), Caleb (17) and Isaiah (7). Oldest son Kenan (Reader Richard - 25) is employed at St. Tikhon’s Monastery.  Welcome!

The parish also welcomed a number of guests which included recent graduate, Lawrence Conover, with his family and another seminarian family that will be entering their final year. Following Divine Liturgy, prayers and blessings were offered for two couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries this month: Joyce and John Walsh and Basil and Susan Thier. We also had guests from Lopez that included high-school graduate, Alexis Musani, for whom Father also intoned “Many Years” and blessed her. May God Grant them all Many Years!  Travel prayers and a blessing were also offered for Elizabeth Dutko as she prepares for surgery down in Florida.  After Divine Liturgy, a Panikhida was served at the request of Christine Adamski for the one year anniversary of her mother's repose.  May her memory be eternal!

The only downside was that the parish could celebrate and fellowship with their guests after services.  God willing, this will change soon as conditions improve. Glory to God for all things! 

(17 images)

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