Two Notable Fall Presentations - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Two Opportunities For Orthodox Thought This Fall

Clergy and Laity in the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania are invited to participate in two Orthodox themed workshops / presentations this fall.

September 27 - 29
The first event is entitled Doxamoot: The Orthodox Christian Tolkien Conference, A conference on the relationship between Orthodoxy and J.R.R.Tolkien. This 3 day conference takes place at the St. Basil Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture in Emmaus, PA beginning on September 27 and concluding on September 29. Tickets (which are limited!) cost $55. For more information please click HERE.

October 8,9,10 and 11
The second opportunity is a presentation entitled “Why I do the things I do… and what I can do about it!” - The Christian understanding of the passions and their remedy. This lecture will be delivered at select parishes in each deanery. Fr. Barnabas Powell will deliver the lecture. Fr. Barnabas is the host of Faith Encouraged LIVE on Ancient Faith Radio, and the author of the daily devotional Faith Encouraged Daily at He is currently the parish priest at Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene Greek Orthodox Church in Cumming, GA. For more information click HERE.

Printable flyers are available for Fr. Barnabas's lectures - please print the flyer and share with the community to help make these events a success!

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