Hospitality Ala Russe IX • Jermyn

Annual Festival Hosted by St. Michael’s Orthodox Church - 05/06/2018

St. Tikhon’s Century Association presented their annual festival, Hospitality Ala Russe IX, on Sunday, May 6, 2018, at St. Michael’s Center in Jermyn, PA. Attendees enjoyed an afternoon of traditional Russian foods and wonderful balalaika music by the South River Balalaika Ensemble. The event also featured beautiful themed baskets and door prizes. At the conclusion of the affair, John E. Lasichak, President of the Century Association, presented a check to Archpriest Dr. Stephen Voytovich, Dean of St. Tikhon’s, and the Very Reverend Joseph Martin, Spiritual Advisor, for the benefit of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.

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