Blessing First Responders • Edwardsville

St. John the Baptist Holds Event for Community First Responders on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary - 09/10/2017

On Sunday, September 10, 2017, following Divine Liturgy, members of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Edwardsville, PA met at the Edwardsville Municipal Building to honor the town’s First Responders, in recognition of the anniversary of 9/11. Fr. George Volkovinsky led a General Molebin for Police, Firefighters and EMTs, ending with prayers for the living and dead. Following this service, the vehicles used by the first responders were blessed. Those gathered retired to Konefal’s restaurant next door to enjoy a breakfast and Orthodox Fellowship provided by the parish. This is one of many community outreach events that St. John’s holds on a yearly basis, including Veteran’s Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, a Memorial Day service in the center of town, and a community Christmas concert with 3 other local parishes.

“That he will grant assistance to these workers, who labor, and direct the work of their hands with the power, activity, and graces of the Most Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.”

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