St. Thomas Sunday • Harrisburg

Christ the Saviour Celebrates Patronal Feast - 04/23/2017

Christ is Risen!    Христос Воскресе!
Χριστός Ανέστη!   المسيح قام!  
On Sunday, 23rd the community at Christ the Saviour celebrated our patronal feast - St. Thomas Sunday (Antipascha); At the conclusion of the Liturgy the clergy and faithful also made a Paschal procession and offered a blessing to commemorate our parish feast, as well as to bless the bell tower renovations completed by Vladimer Kellachow as part of his Eagle Scout project. A special thanks to our Men's Club who prepared a delicious meal to celebrate our Parish Feast.

(Aposticha Hymn) Oh, most glorious wonder! Doubt bore certain faith. Thomas said: “Unless I see, I shall not believe!” By touching His side, he blessed the incarnate Son of God, Who had suffered in the flesh, and he proclaimed the resurrected God, crying out with joy: “My Lord and my God, glory to Thee!”

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