The Effective Church Model - Igniting The Flame • Parish Workshop • Harrisburg

The Effective Church Model - Igniting The Flame
Learn  how  to  re-organize  and   re-energize your Parish,  its ministries, stewardship and effectiveness, as you  discover  and  live  your  personal  calling  as  a  Disciple  of  Christ. The Igniting The Flame program is a comprehensive approach  to  organizing  the  most  effective  and  strategic Parish  and  ministries  and  becoming  better  Disciples.

Come learn:
What is happening in Christian churches
The Effective  Church  Model
  • 7 steps to inspire Engaged Disciples
  • 10 steps to create a Culture of True Stewardship
  • 7 steps to develop a Consensus Vision and Strategic Plan
A new and more effective Parish operational paradigm
The most effective leadership and communications strategies

Saturday, June 3, 2017  • 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM  
(breakfast and lunch is provided)

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
5501 Locust Lane
Harrisburg, PA
(717) 652-1825

For questions, contact:   
Bill  Marianes

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