Clergy  Pre-Lenten Retreat • Aston, PA

Diocesan Clergy meet at the Spiritual Center in Aston, PA - 02/23/2017

Clergy from around the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania met for a Pre-Lenten Retreat during February 23-24th at the Spiritual Center in Aston, PA. The guest speaker was the V. Rev. Fr. Chad Hatfield, President of St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. He spoke on "The Priest as a Man of Theology / Man of Reconciliation" and "The Priest as a man of prayer and a man of the Eucharist," followed by questions. The retreat opened with dinner, followed by Daily Vespers and the Rite of Forgiveness, wherein His Eminence, Archbishop Mark and the clergy all asked for forgiveness one from another. The clergy had ample time for fellowship and confession so that we might all begin the Lenten Fast more adequately prepared. We are most grateful for the parishes that support their priests taking this needed time for Spiritual Renewal.

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