Sacrament of Ordination • Williamsport

Fr Ignatius Hunter Ordained to the Priesthood at Holy Cross Orthodox Church - 01/07/2017

Archbishop Mark led the Holy Cross Community on the weekend of January 7-8, 2017 in divine services that included the ordination to the Holy Priesthood of parishioner Fr. Ignatius Hunter. Assisting were Fr. Daniel Kovalak, Fr. James Chuta, Fr. Chad Hatfield, and Deacon Andrew Nelko. The congregation beautifully sang the services and offered prayerful congratulations to Fr. Ignatius and Matushka Seraphima. The parish hosted a festal luncheon reception in the Orthodox Fellowship Center following the Liturgy and presented the new priest with gold vestments. Fr. Ignatius celebrated his first Liturgy at Holy Cross on Monday, January 9. May the Lord God remember His newly-ordained priest and grant him many fruitful years of pastoral service to His glory

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