Iconography Project Continues • Harrisburg

Fr. Theodore Jurewicz and his son John visit Christ the Saviour to Continue Iconography - 10/05/2016

From September 16th - October 5th our parish was blessed to welcome back Fr. Theodore Jurewicz and his son John for another phase of iconography to beautify our Temple. On this trip they completed the following:
    1    Babel and Pentecost (walls perpendicular to Altar)
    2    Window Ornamentation & Toweling (throughout the nave)
    3    St. Moses the Ethiopian & St. Anthony the Great
    4    St. Maria of Paris & St. Elizabeth the New-Martyr
    5    St. Monica & St. Augustine of Hippo
    6    St. Panteleimon & St. Matrona of Moscow
We look forward to welcoming them back, as God wills, at least two or three more years, until the project is complete.

(19 images)

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