Third Annual Parish Picnic • Mount Carmel

St. Michael’s Orthodox Church Welcomes Guests to Annual Parish Picnic

Following Divine Liturgy on July 24, St. Michael’s held its 3rd Annual Parish Picnic and basket raffle. His Eminence Archbishop Mark joined the picnic with many parishioners, visitors, and friends of the parish visiting with Father John Edward and our neighbors Father Martin from the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church down the block. As part of the picnic three local charities attended to be honored.  Each group was given a $250 check to assist their good work in helping so many in need.
Archbishop Mark, Father John Edward, God’s Chuck Wagon (James Bowers, Valerie, Janet Bowers) , Lower Anthracite United Way (Laun Dunn), and Manna for the Many Food Bank (Pam Rhodes).

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