Adult Education Ministry Lecture Series • Harrisburg
Christ the Saviour Holds Lecture Series

During the first part of our Paschal celebration, the "re-booted" Three Holy Hierarchs Adult Education Ministry at Christ the Saviour (Harrisburg, PA) held a trilogy of talks surrounding the broad topic of the Liturgy.

    •    On Wednesday, May 11th our resident iconologist, John R. Barns, presented a talk entitled "At the Icon Corner" in which he explored the history of home worship through the lens of Scriptures, archeology, art, and literature.
    •    On Sunday, May 15th, Fr. Stephen celebrated the Proskemedia (Service of Preparation) in the center of the temple, taking time to share the theological significance, as well as the practical and eschatological implications of this beautiful service.
    •    On Wednesday, May 18th, Fr. Victor Gorodenchuk (Dean of St. Stephen Cathedral, Philadelphia) presented a talk entitled "Byzantine Liturgy: Evident History and Hidden Meaning", in which he explored the history and meaning of worship, through the Scripture, the Liturgy as we celebrate it today, archeology, and the writings of the Holy Fathers.
We look forward to the future offerings being prepared by our Adult Education Ministry, which is comprised of over ten of our faithful. The goal of this ministry is to enrich the lives of our adult members, so that they can become more ardent disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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