Schedule of Services for Holy Week and Pascha • South Philadelphia
Assumption of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church

Corner of 28th St & Snyder Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19145

Phone: 215-468-3535

Holy Week and Pascha Services

Holy Monday - April 25 - Bridegroom Matins @ 6:30pm
Holy Tuesday - April 26 - Bridegroom Matins @ 6:30pm
Holy Wednesday - April 27 - Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts along with Holy Unction @ 6:30pm
Holy Thursday - April 28 - Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil @ 10am
Holy Thursday - April 28 - Holy Friday Matins with the reading of the 12 Passion Gospels @ 6:00pm
                            (His Eminence Archbishop Mark will visit our parish for this service)

Holy Friday - April 29 - Royal Hours Service @ 10:00am
Holy Friday - April 29 - Vespers with Procession and Reading of Ezekiel @ 6:00pm
Holy Saturday - April 30 - Vespers with Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great (All 15 Readings) @ 10:00am
Holy Pascha - May 1 - Pascha Service (Procession, Matins, Divine Liturgy) @ 8:30am
Holy Pascha - May 1 - Pascha Vespers approximately 15 minutes after blessing of the Easter basket which will occur immediately after Divine Liturgy

Bright Saturday - May 7 - Vespers @ 5:00pm
St Thomas Sunday - May 8 - Divine Liturgy @ 10:00am with the Blessing of the Graves at Mount Moriah Cemetery afterwards (weather permitting).

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