Teen Group Reports on Service Trip • Berwick
First row (L-R): Eva Olivieri, Hannah Kessler, and Amilia Tripp  Back row (L-R): Sarah Olivieri, Xenia Demko, Teddy Tripp, Elliot Tripp, and Macrina Demko
First row (L-R): Eva Olivieri, Hannah Kessler, and Amilia Tripp Back row (L-R): Sarah Olivieri, Xenia Demko, Teddy Tripp, Elliot Tripp, and Macrina Demko
First row (L-R): Eva Olivieri, Hannah Kessler, and Amilia Tripp Back row (L-R): Sarah Olivieri, Xenia Demko, Teddy Tripp, Elliot Tripp, and Macrina Demko

On Sunday, May 17th, the teen group of Holy Annunciation, Berwick, presented a PowerPoint presentation on their service trip to South Philadelphia.

Teen Group Reports on Service Trip • Berwick

Holy Annunciation Teen Group makes presentation to Parish - 05/17/2015

On Sunday, May 17th, the teen group of Holy Annunciation, Berwick, presented a PowerPoint presentation on their service trip to South Philadelphia. While they were in Philadelphia (April 24th-26th), the teens helped feed the homeless at Living Community Soup Kitchen by making spaghetti and sausage. They had a chance to talk to some of the locals of South Philadelphia and learn more about their lives. The teen group plans on doing more outreach with the community and helping those in need.

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