St. Tikhon Mission Choir • Harrisburg

Christ the Saviour welcomes Mission Choir, Remembers Fr. Atty - 03/22/2015

On March 22 2015 (St. John Climacus), the community of Christ the Saviour in Harrisburg welcomed the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir. The choir sang beautifully and Seminary Dean, Fr. Steven Voytovich delivered a wonderful homily, encouraging us in our Lenten struggle!
Following the Divine Liturgy we sang a one-year memorial for Fr. Alexander Atty, who reposed in the Lord on Sunday, March 23, 2014. Koliva was offered in his memory, and we blessed a Processional Cross, which was donated to our church by his family, as a reminder of his love for our community and its faithful! May his memory be eternal!

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