“Communicating Your Parish: The Yellow Pages is No Longer Good Enough” is the theme of an on-line webinar on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. EDT.
Mr. Joseph Kormos of the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania’s Parish Development Ministry, will facilitate the session.
The webinar is being offered free of charge. Participants must register in advance at www1.gotomeeting.com/register/581894984.
“Perhaps more than any other North American religious body, Orthodox Christian parishes need to be effective in communicating their mission and their ministries to the world, to their local community and to their members,” said Mr. Kormos. “In an age of rapidly proliferating communication methods and technologies, it is urgent for parishes to continually reevaluate their various audiences and how and what they communicate to them.”
Mr. Kormos added that “it is a fact that over 80 percent of potential guests and inquirers will use your parish’s on-line presence—or lack of it—to decide whether they want to visit your parish. And, they will drive past one Orthodox parish to visit another based on web based information.”
The webinar is open to all clergy and lay leaders, especially those engaged in parish communication ministries, parish planning and parish revitalization.