Icon Writing Workshop • Gradyville
St. Herman of Alaska hosts Icon Workshop

Fr. Richard Cannuli of Villanova University, a master iconographer, conducted a special week long Icon Workshop at St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church in Gradyville PA. This course entailed  over 40 hours of intense study and practicum.
Six students  each completed a hand written icon of St. Michael the Archangel in 15th century Russian-Byzantine style on board,gold leaf with egg tempera paints. It was a spiritual experience beyond compare for parishioners.


Pictured from left to right in the photograph are: Kathleen Waters, Christel Krugovoy, Lillian Matthews, Stasia Plisko, Nancy Pcsolyar,
Fr. James Dougherty, V. Rev. Fr. John Perich and Fr. Richard Cannuli. (Missing from photo, Dr.Sandra Gawchik)

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