Nativity Festivities Conclude with Open House • Edwardsville

St. John the Baptist welcomes Volkovinsky Family - 12/29/2013

On Sunday, December 29, the parishioners of St. John the Baptist officially welcomed their new priest Fr. George Volkovinsky and his family with an open house at the rectory following Divine Liturgy.
Father George Volkovinsky, his wife Larysa, and his children Illia and Anastasia hail from Belarus. Fr. George has served as the parish priest since October, and his family just arrived from Belarus in Early December. 
The parish welcomed them with a luncheon in the rectory, and also greeted guests Fr. Michael Evans and Matushka Sonya, as well as Fr. John Malcom. The parish wishes the Volkovinsky family well and looks forward to many years of Orthodox Fellowship with them.

(26 images)

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