St. Tikhon's Seminary Missionary Choir • Harrisburg

Missionary Choir's Annual visit to Christ the Saviour - 04/21/2013

On Sunday, April 21st the St. Tikhon Seminary Mission Choir made their annual visit to Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Harrisburg, PA. The choir, under the direction of Benedict Sheehan, prayerfully sang the responses at the Divine Liturgy and edified our entire community - strengthening them for the remaining two week of the Great and Holy Fast. We also welcomed our "adopted" seminary family, Deacon Matthew, M. Elizabeth, Elias and Genevieve Brown. Dn. Matthew offered a wonderful homily reminding us that our Lord, as a loving Father, redirects our often "worldly" petitions. He shows us a more excellent way, the way of the Cross, and offers us to drink of this cup for our salvation. 

We pray that God will guide, direct, and build-up St. Tikhon Seminary for the glory of God, and the vitality of His Church! Our parishioners are already looking forward to their visit next year!

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