Pysanky Class for Sunday School Students of Wilkes-Barre Deanery

St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, Edwardsville, PA will be holding an introduction to Pysanky for SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENTS on Saturday, March 30, 2013, from 11AM to 2PM. This free* class will be taught by Eugene Gingo and will result in one finished Pysanky egg or a hundred pieces of broken eggshell. All materials to complete the project will be provided, and a light luncheon will be served. This class is restricted to SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENTS OF THE WILKES-BARRE DEANERY only, and is limited to 25 people. If there is an interest, a second class MAY be added. First come, first served, reserve your spot now! There is no charge for this class, but attendees are asked to bring donations for the Sunday School Lenten Food Drive to benefit the West Side Food Bank. Please RSVP to Aric Gingo. A flyer for this event can be found HERE.


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