Christ the Savior Teens Aid Sandy Relief
December 8, 2012 • Toms River

On Saturday, December 8th the Christ the Saviour Teen Group (Junior O Club), traveled to New Jersey to participate in Hurricane Sandy Relief. The group began their preparations over a month ago, serving a meal at fellowship in order to raise the needed funds. They were also assisted by our parish faithful who donated over 50 boxes of clothing, 40 pairs of shoes, as well as formula and diapers over the past month. Over the past month teens and their advisers sorted the clothes, and packaged them for their eventual distribution. 

The mission trip began at 7am Saturday morning with prayers in the church, after which we headed toward our destination. Once we arrived in NJ our teens and their advisers assisted a local relief effort at the Church of Grace and Peace in Toms River. Activities included assisting in maintenance projects, sorting and carrying supplies, as well as assisting locals who came to take advantage of the ministry.

We went to a local restaurant for lunch, then went to another location where we unloaded much of the donated clothing items from our parish. The trip concluded with a visit to the Orthodox Christian Church of the Annunciation in Brick, NJ. Father Gary Breton greeted us, and gave a history of the parish, and spoke of its recently completed iconography project. Following a moleiben of Thanksgiving and prayers for safe travels we journeyed home, giving glory to God for a blessed day, and a successful mission trip.

Christ the Saviour Teen Group Travels to New Jersey to Aid in Relief - 12/08/2012

Image Gallery of Christ the Saviour's Teen Group visiting New Jersey and assisting those in need.

(38 images)

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