St. John the Baptist Annual Ethnic Food Festival
Ethnic Food Festival at St. John's
St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church will hold it's annual Ethnic Food Festival on Saturday, August 25, 2012 from 11am to 6pm.
Treats include:
› Homemade Bread
› Games, Crafts, Theme Baskets
› Russian/American Cookbook
› Homemade Pies, Cakes, Cookies
› Handmade Pierogies
› Freshly Grated Potato Pancakes
› Halupki, Pulled Pork, and Halushki
› Goulash, Clam Chowder & More

“Rain or Shine” Under the Big Tent at 93 Zerby Avenue Edwardsville. Come Join Us for
Food, Fun and Friendship. All proceeds benefit church building fund.

A Flyer can be found HERE
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