Holy Protection Orthodox Christian Preschool

Holy Protection Orthodox Christian Preschool - 06/06/2012

Holy Protection Orthodox Christian Preschool held their 3rd moving up ceremony on June 6th.  The Preschool is a joint venture between the two Orthodox Communities in Stroudsburg, PA – the OCA parish of Holy Trinity and the Greek parish of Holy Cross.  The ceremony was hosted by Holy Trinity and celebrated 6 students who have passed through the Preschool program and are now prepared to enter Kindergarten.  The Preschool, with a total enrollment of 11 students for the 2011/2012 school year, offers an Orthodox-based educational program designed for three, four and five year olds.  The Kindergarten readiness program prepares children socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually.  The students have an ideal opportunity to get a sound start to their education in an environment rich in Orthodox traditions and beliefs.  The enrollment for the 2012/2013 school year is already at 12 students.  Please visit Holy Trinity’s website for more information about Holy Protection Orthodox Christian Preschool.

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