Holy Trinity parishioners serve at soup kitchen - 06/19/2011

The Holy Trinity Soup Kitchen Outreach hosted its second successful Soup Kitchen at the Stroudsburg United Methodist Church on Main Street on Sunday, June 19 at 4:00PM.   The volunteer response from Holy Trinity parishioners, thus far, has been overwhelming for this mission.  On this Sunday, 2011 Father’s Day, twenty four faithful parishioners came out to help shop, cook, serve dinner and clean up afterwards for fifty-six hungry neighbors of the Stroudsburg area.
The Stroudsburg United Methodist Church has conducted this very organized Soup Kitchen for many years and various local organizations and churches take turns in cooking and serving a meal once or several times a month.
Fifty-six hungry neighbors were served a meal of BB Chili (less the jalapenos), macaroni and cheese, corn bread, Italian bread, fruit cocktail, salad, dessert, ice cream sandwiches, iced tea, lemonade, coffee, milk and juice.  In addition to our adult parishioner volunteers, Holy Trinity teens, Zachary Lapp, Tyler Lapp, Casey Lapp and Alexa Gonzalez assisted in cooking and preparing the food.  Our young adults, Larissa and Jacquie Hatch also contributed significantly in serving and cleaning.  We, at Holy Trinity are blessed to have so many culinary-savvy, caring and enthusiastic parishioners with the desire to participate in this outreach endeavor.
Since so many from our church have shown such great interest in this stewardship program, we will continue this mission to serve those in need at this Soup Kitchen on the second Friday of each month.  We hope to make this a bi-monthly community service and eventually host the fourth Friday, as well as the second Friday of the month.  We also have plans to construct a “Food Pantry” inside our church hall, where parishioners and friends can donate food items for the Soup Kitchen meals.  
Our next Soup Kitchen serving will be held on Friday, July 8, with dinner served at 5:00PM.  May God bless us in our efforts to help those in need.
Is. 58:10. "And if you give yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness, and your gloom will become like midday. And the LORD will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail."

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