Lenten Retreat with Fr. Michael Oleksa: Christianity and the Environment‏ - 03/12/2011

On Saturday, March 12th, Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (Harrisburg, PA) hosted a Lenten Retreat with the V. Rev. Dr. Michael Oleksa, Chancellor of the Diocese of Alaska (OCA) and an eminent theologian and commentator on cross cultural communications. The retreat opened with the St. Theodore Saturday Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated by His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, as well as the parish and visiting clergy.

During the retreat, Fr. Michael energetically spoke about the way in which we as Orthodox Christians ought to approach the question of environmental stewardship, and how the Scriptures and Holy Fathers teach that God cares for and loves the entire "Cosmos" - not just humanity. Therefore, as His disciples, it is our sacred trust and responsibility to care for and love the environment - to ignore this call is a sin.

Retreat guests were treated to a gourmet Lenten luncheon by chef Steve Wood, and viewed the DVD "The Green Patriarch" at the fellowship hall, which was followed by an engaging and informative questions and answer session.

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