6/2-3                 Vespers and Matins, Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery


6/6                    Divine Liturgy St Tikhon’s Monastery


                         Philadelphia Deanery Meeting, Holy Trinity in Catasauqua


6/8                    Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery           


6/9-10                Vespers and Matins, Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery


6/13                  Divine Liturgy St John the Baptist (Nanticoke)


6/15-17              Clergy Continuing Education Symposium (St Tikhon’s Seminary)


6/16-17              Vespers and Matins, Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery


6/19-20              Vespers and Divine Liturgy Holy Apostles Mission, Mechanicsburg


6/23-24              Vespers and Matins, Divine Liturgy at St. Tikhon’s Monastery


6/26                   Luncheon for the Clergy Wives at the Diocesan Center


6/27                   Divine Liturgy St Michael’s (Wilmington)

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