Frackville Deanery Meeting - 09/11/2009

Friday, September 11, 2009


A meeting of the Frackville Deanery was held on Friday, September 11 at St Peter and St Paul Orthodox Church in Minersville. The meeting was preceded by the celebration of a Memorial Service for those who lost their lives in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and other acts of terror and violence. His Grace, Bishop Tikhon, celebrated the Memorial Service and the responses were sung by the clergy of the Frackville Deanery.


Following this service, the deanery clergy gathered in the rectory for their meeting at which many issues facing the deanery were discussed. His Grace presented an update on recent church-wide developments and his thoughts for the further development of the life of the deanery. A lively discussion was held on possible ways to strengthen the brotherhood and means of outreach to the community.


Elections for deanery officers were also held and the following officers were elected for a three years term:


Dean:    Archpriest Michael Hatrak (SS. Peter and Paul, Minersville)

Assistant Dean:   Priest Timothy Hojnicki (Holy Apostles, Mechanicsburg)

Secretary:   Archpriest John Onofrey (St. Herman, Shillington)

Treasurer:  Archpriest Michael Evans (St. Michael, Mt. Carmel)


Following the meeting, a meal was served in the Church hall through the generous work of Matushka Valeria and parish volunteers.

(10 images)

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