Harrisburg parishes gather for the feast of St. John Maximovitch - 07/01/2009

On Wednesday, July 1st our greater-Harrisburg Orthodox community gathered at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church to celebrate Vespers for the feast of St. John (Maximovitch) the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco on the 15th Anniversary of his canonization. Following the Vespers service, a newly released DVD on the life of St. John was viewed on our parish "BIG SCREEN" projector. To see a trailer of the movie visit this link.  It was a spiritually edifying evening for everyone, holy hierarch John, pray to God for us!

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Harrisburg parishes gather for the feast of St. John Maximovitch - 07/02/2009

On Thursday, July 2 our greater-Harrisburg Orthodox community gathered at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church to celebrate Divine Liturgy on the feast of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco. Concelebrating were Frs. Daniel Ressetar, Timothy Hojnicki, and Stephen Vernak. Those present were annointed with holy oil from the lampada which hangs above his holy relics in San Francisco. We pray that in this "age of coldness and unbelief", the prayers of St. John will help illumine and "inkindle in our hearts the fire of love for Christ".

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