Miracle-working Icon visits Christ the Saviour Church - 12/07/2008

On Sunday, December 7th, the Miracle-Working Icon "She Who is Quick to Hear" from St. Tikhon Monastery was accompanied by His Grace BishopTIKHON, on a visit to Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Harrisburg. His Grace, accompanied by Archdeacon Nicholas, led local Orthodox clergy and over 130 faithful and guests in the singing of the Akathist Hymn entitled "Mother of God: Healer of Cancer". At the conclusion of the service His Grace reminded those present of the importance of prayer in times of suffering and the scriptural mandate to anoint those who are sick with holy oil (cf. James 5:14). At the conclusion of the service all present venerated the icon and received anointing with holy oil. A Lenten meal was provided by the parish "O" Club for everyone in attendance. Through the prayers of your Most Holy Mother, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and save us!

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